Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most frequently asked questions The Spin Guys hear from clients. If you have a question that is not covered below, please Contact Us or set up a Quick Chat.

Questions about spin photography? Here are your answers!

360° product photography allows the viewer to rotate an object on one level.
With 3d spins, a viewer can rotate a product on multiple levels.

360° spin vs. 3d spin

drag product left and right

drag product left and right and up and down


eCommerce photography is all about giving customers the information they are looking for.  The informed customer makes more purchases.
3d spins are great for most products.  With some products though, there isn't much information to share by shooting a 3d spin.  A vitamin bottle is a great example.  The top down view would only show a spinning cap of a bottle.

Absolutely!  We haven't found a site yet where we can't incorporate spin.  Most of the major site building platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, have apps just for spin.  

Adding the product spins is easy and The Spin Guys will help you integrate them on your website.

Yes!  Social media platforms allow users to post still images and videos. 
The Spin Guys can convert any of our spin eCommerce photography into a video ready for Instagram, Facebook and other platforms. 
We also offer Social Media Spins which add an eye-catching colorful background and optional text which are sure to attract followers!

360° photography and 3d spin photography are a little different than gifs.
Gifs don't allow viewers to interact with the images.
With spin photography, a viewer can click or tap on the spin and rotate the product to view it from all sides.

Don't worry though, The Spin Guys can create gifs too!  With our  process, we can create gifs of your products.



Every product is different and it affects how The Spin Guys light and style that product.

If a product can't stand up on it's own, we somtimes need to style it to do so.  That's not so easy when we shoot 72 images of that product.

If a product is shiny or white, that also requires advanced lighting design and sometimes extra post-production work, which takes more time per product.

Because each product is going to be a little bit different, the prices vary.  
We've tried our best to provide categories that can make sense for most products.  If you're brand's products don't fit into one of our spin categories, please let us know!

Visit our Contact Us page to tell us more.


Before you send your products to The Spin Guys, please check your email address for your confirmation email including our list of next steps.  
In those next steps you will find our mailing address.

Please pack your items carefully.

Also make sure to include a return shipping label with your products if you want the products back.
We can receive shipments from any major carrier.

The Spin Guys
254 36th Street, Suite B416
Brooklyn, NY 11232

We ask that all customers include a return shipping label with their order when they send it.

Unfortunately, we can't include the cost of return shipping in our pricing because we can't know how big or heavy or how many items a customer will send us.
For that reason, we ask our customers to include a return shipping label with their order.

If a return shipping label is not included in the order, The Spin Guys will reach out to the customer via email.

Any products left at The Spin Guys' studios for 3 months or longer will be donated to a local charity.

A shipping policy is a little tricky because we receive products and deliver digital products.

We've brainstormed the best way to provide shipping but unfortunately with each customer's order being a different weight, size and quantity, we can't predict how much shipping will cost.  With that in mind, we've kept our spin prices low because we are not including the shipping cost.

All of our customers pay to ship products to our studios.  If you would like your products to be returned to you, please include a return shipping label.



The best way to change your order is to contact us at or simply give us a call during our business hours.

Once we have scheduled your shoot date (after we receive your products), we won't be able to make any changes to your order.


Other questions and information

Yes we can!
The Spin Guys have worked with many high-volume 360 photography clients.

As the needs are different for every category and client, and large volumes need more specific attention, it is best to contact us directly at

Even better is setting up a consultation here.